Tiny Tim

This is a small 4-wheel drive robot with Mecanum wheels.

IMG 20230411 204632099

The robot uses my Motor Board v2 - ESP32 Motor Board as the brains.


Cad files for the 3D printed parts are available here. It was made in Fusion 360 and consists of three parts:

  • a motor plate where the motors are screwed on

  • a battery holder plate which gives some support to the battery pack

  • an adaptor to screw on the PCB

Between the parts, spacers are used.


  • GPIO0 for X motor does not work when powered over USB (unless serial connection is made over it), due to wiring of CTS, DRT stuff. Powering over 5V pin works fine.

  • combination of PS3 Controller and Wifi libraries resulted in too much Flash memory being used for default partitioning. Using huge_app.csv partition table in platformio file solved this.

  • goes too slow now in translation mode

  • whines when stationary, better stop the motors when detected that they are going too slow

wired up