Motor Board v1 - Itsy Bitsy Motor Board
An ItsyBitsy M4 Express microcontroller is used to drive two DC motors via a DRV8833 motor driver board.
It also reads the wheel encoders of the wheels.
It exposes a UART interface to drive the motors with simple high level commands.
This repo contains the design for a PCB (in Autodesk Eagle 9.6.2) with headers to connect everything up.

microcontroller board Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express
motor driver Adafruit DRV8833
motor wheel encoders Magnetic Encoder Pair Kit
2x 6-pin female JST-sh cable to connect wheel encoders
some female .1" headers
Learning Eagle References
This was my first attempt at creating a PCB. The following resources were very useful: