Motor Board v2 - ESP32 Motor Board
My ESP32 Motor Board is able to drive four DC motors, and read their encoders. It can receive high-level commands over UART, for example to drive at a certain speed, or drive a certain distance etc.
the board PCB (I used Pcbway to manufacture mine)
1x ESP32 D1 Mini Nodemcu (
2x Adafruit DRV8833 (
4x Pololu Magnetic encoder with jst sh connector (
some male / female socket headers
2.54mm 2-pin screw terminal
If you want to connect motors with neat jst-sh to jst-sh cables - 4x JST-SH 6-pin cable ( - 4x Breakout JST SH 6-pin (
If you want to power motors from a USB power bank - 1x Adafruit USB Micro-B Breakout (
The motors - 4x Micro Metal Gear motor with extended back shaft (
board design
The board was designed in Eagle. The project, and some more info, is available here.

ESP32 code
The code running on the ESP32 microcontroller is available here.